APC Group visiting the Floatinn Boat with Fragrance Du Bois
Interview with Gary Crates, CEO Europ APC Group
CEO Europ, APC Group Asia Plantation Capital
A part for the expansion into markets and we are also looking at new products. Currently we are selling blocks of trees primarily in Malaysia, which is a Aquilaria tree, which a few people have heard of.
“We continue to expand, moving into new markets around Europe.”
(Gary Crates)
But now we are looking next year for developing new projects quite probably Bamboo because we have been working on that in Africa for 2/3 years now. So we are hoping to bring that to Europe, so that will be next part of our expansion plan into certainly 2018 and certainly 2019.
Gary Crates

Interview CEO Asia Plantation Capital on the Floatinn boat, thanks to Fragrance du Bois

Gary Crates :
“A part of the expansion into markets, and we are also looking at new products. Currently, we are selling blocks of trees primarily in Malaysia, which is a Aquilaria tree, which a few people have heard of.
But now we are looking next year for developing new projects, quite probably Bamboo because we have been working on that in Africa for 2/3 years now. So we are hoping to bring that to Europe, so that will be the next part of our expansion plan into certainly ’18 and certainly 19.”
Gary Crates adds, “The other plan about our businesses I, we are moving towards more into institutional plans, so we are launching some new fix income bonds, which is securities bonds from Luxembourg. In fact, we have one coming out at the start of November. The plan is to have a series of these bonds launch over the next 2/3 years for different products, that can be generally planted related. They seem to be a growing trend now, the sustainable plantation and people with all the credential of social responsibility, etc. That’s our ambition, we are working to get the “green bond” status in Luxembourg. Luxembourg flag give you a “green bond” status which open to a new sector to a new group of potential clients.”

Événements en collaboration avec le Club De L’élégance et APC Group , Asia Plantation Capital , Fragrance du Bois , Reportage Suisse Romande, Valeur Suisse Institut
Asia Plantation Capital ( APC Group ), le Parfum Fragrance Du Bois et Reportage Suisse Romande , sur le Catamaran FLOATinn Boat B&B, designer Boriana Filipova (Aurora)
Organisation : Stéphan Leterrier, Michael Bouvard, Manuela Nathan – Directeur Artistique : Pedro Brandao – Manager : Angelo Amaro – Modèles (Eliana’s models) : Gentiana Berisha, Vanessa Mab Williams , Amanda Mendy , Viktoria Vertounova – Coiffeuses : Samia Louahem, Sandy Alvarez – Maquilleuse : Shannon Khalil – Photographes : Jy Hell Cancian Francine Gyger, Olivier Gay -Perret , Eva Cazan ( Valeur Suisse Institut)
Post-production video : Reportage Suisse Romande
Auteur Article, TV Reporter : Manuela Nathan (Reportage Suisse Romande)
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